
Bridging Gaps Through Food and Community: A 40 Year Legacy

2025-03-13T17:35:32+00:0013 Mar, 2025|Fundraising, News, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

From day one, ACCFB has always been a community-powered project. This community is made up of thousands of dedicated individuals, including Ken Schmidt. In 1985, Ken led the effort for a group of 40 independent organizations to form The

Digging Deeper into Food Justice with Dig Deep Farms

2025-02-13T19:47:31+00:0013 Feb, 2025|Fundraising, News, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

To end hunger for good we must get to the root causes of hunger. And to get to the root causes, we must go beyond only food distribution. One brand new way our Food Bank is creating a more

12th Annual East Bay Innovation Awards – 2025 Legacy Awardees Announced

2024-12-11T23:53:40+00:0011 Dec, 2024|Fundraising, News, Uncategorized|

Contacts Stephen Baiter, Executive Director East Bay EDA 510,679.7911 cell stephen@eastbayeda.org Michael Altfest, Director of Community Engagement & Marketing Alameda County Community Food Bank 510-684-8655 cell maltfest@accfb.org Krystine Dinh, Director of Marketing & Communications (925) 917-6835 cell Food Bank

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